Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

In celebration of Earth Day ….. ways to "go green" easily, and in a matter of minutes.

Pull the plug. When you turn an appliance off, pull the plug. Even when turned off, an appliance uses 40% of its power. You'll reduce your carbon emissions and save on your electric bills, too.

Skip the bags. When you are buying fresh fruits and veggies, skip the plastic bag they offer up and just take them home in their skin. Plastic bags like these take over a thousand years to decompose, and paper bags take about a month. Also, buy local produce whenever possible. Not only is it great for the local farmer, but it saves fuel costs for transporting your products across the nation.

Swap your bulbs. Swap your incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent ones. Not only do they last either times longer, but they use less energy. The next time a bulb burns out, replace it with the fluorescent and you'll save money and the earth!

Do something kind for the earth today – pick up litter, plant a flower, or take a shorter shower to save water. Mother Earth will thank you. It's also a great way to get out and enjoy this beautiful Spring weather!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Official! Twenty four weeks from this week!!!

I’ve been training already, but today is the “official” kickoff of training for the Michigan Breast Cancer Three Day walk. Walk week is 24 weeks from this week – hooray!!!

Check out my Three Day site at http://08.the3day.org/goto/tracyjerome

Please consider making a donation while you are there. Every single dollar counts – yours could be the one that funds the cure!

Five top cancer fighting moves:
1. Stay at a healthy weight
2. Add at least ten minutes of walking each day
3. Get your five a day of fruits and vegetables, and make it a colorful variety
4. Don’t smoke, and avoid second hand smoke
5. Limit your alcohol intake

Good foods to eat to protect against a variety of cancers: canned beans, broccoli, carrots, coffee, red or purple grapes, lemons, mushrooms, cranberries and yogurt.

Also, wear sunscreen – even when you are driving in your car, test your home for radon, and use safe, healthy products in your home. Contact me for the scoop on how you can do that and save money!