Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Randy and Happy Dry Cleaning!

Happy Birthday to my husband Randy today!

One way I help to keep Randy safe is by dry cleaning his shirts – you see if I had to keep washing and ironing them as I used to, I’d off him! Just kidding – but I do have his shirts dry cleaned, and I am aware of the chemicals that dry cleaners use being unsafe – or at least questionable.

When I bring his shirts home from the cleaners, I do the simple trick of hanging them somewhere to air out. Not in the closet – I read once that it is not the way to do it -- it traps the chemicals. I separate the hangers and hang them each a couple of inches apart in our infrequently used bathroom. Or, if there are a lot of them, I hang them in the garage so they really get aired out. I let them hang there until I think to hang them in the closet – at least a couple of days, usually.

I know that this airs them out and helps get some of the chemicals out that are lingering, helping to keep him safe!

More on dry cleaning chemicals can be found here:

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