Saturday, February 2, 2008

Triclosan is not for me!

Did you know that if a product that you are using has triclosan in it, it is recommended by the FDA that you wash your hands after using it. Triclosan has previously been linked to certain carcinogenic and hormone-disrupting effects – ugh.

Triclosan is an ingredient in Vick’s Early Defense hand sanitizer – marketed as a product you can use when soap and water are not available. Hand sanitizer – you know – the stuff that you use in place of washing your hands with soap and water. It is recommended that children not be exposed to tricolsan – yet Proctor and Gamble is encouraging use of this product in schools in their marketing campaign.

You can read more here:

Want products for your family that you can trust? Toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and soap that you and your kids can know are safe? Email me for details on a product line that will save you money, and make your home a healthy one. It is not tough to get the chemicals out – I’ll be happy to help!

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